Friday, August 17, 2007

No really... save yourself!

"Nature will heal itself and be fine, because the Earth has all the time in the world... we (as humans) on the other hand don't." That is a quote from the new environmental documentary 'The 11th Hour.' I encourage everyone to watch this well thought out/researched movie, about the destruction we as humans have caused to our home: Planet Earth. One reason I believe this movie is so great is the fact that it stressed the human connection with our planets destruction. Now I don't actually mean that we are destroying the planet (which we are...); I mean the connection that if we destroy this planet we actually destroy ourselves too. We as humans, literally have our own fate in our hands. We are part of nature... not separate. If nature is devastated/destroyed beyond the point of healing.... so too are we. We do not live in little bubbles called "cities" or "towns" or "homes." We live on THIS PLANET, that happens to be able to sustain life. What we do each year, week, hour, day, minute, second...... effects this entire giant ecosystem. "Our world is seamless......." Do your own little part. Recycle, make your home more energy efficient, ride your bike to work, get involved in your community, get involved in an organization, educate yourself. No matter how small of a change you make, it counts! And each small change is just a stepping stone to a bigger and better change. We no longer have any excuse to put this off. We literally are running out of time. The facts are in, and they are just plain scary. Stop ignoring or denying the truth... just take some action. Helping to save the planet, is really helping to save yourself.