Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Some people need to leave their past in the past.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

Love, love.... love is all you need.

I love Jordan. He has been gone for 3 days on the ice-climbing trip. I have been too sick to go. Having Jordan gone really reminds me of all the little things that I love him for.

I stepped on a small shard of glass. When I tried to get it out with a pair of tweezers and was having a lot of difficulty. Jordan has taken out difficult slivers for me in the past. This little act made me think of him.

I had some weirdo show up at my home hammered. I was frightened and had to be firm and tell him to go away. After I was nervous to go to bed. If Jordan had been here, I would have felt safer.

I finished a large portion of one of my paintings. I really wanted to show Jordan, and have him share in my pride and excitement. But he wasn't here to see it yet.

So many things are taken for granted. When Jordan gets home, I am going to try to not take those things for granted as much. Life happens in a blink. I need to be more grateful for everything in my life.
