I witnessed the most beautiful cloud formation I have ever seen in my life.
It reminded me of a poem I wrote a few years ago.
Cotton candy and coconut sky.
Dissipate before my eye.
Metamorphosize my stagnant soul.
Before this life takes its toll.
The colours of the clouds were light pink layered on light blue, milky white and storm cloud grey. The clouds were perfect fluffy images of the clouds I have seen in cartoons. I did not even know clouds could really look that perfect. The clouds were strategically arranged around one bright opening in the sky. This opening periodically flashed with far off lightning. Each lightning flash lit up the colours of the clouds to a glowing, surreal and warm, rich amber. I wanted to touch it. Thoughts of getting my camera to take a picture were ignored for fear that if I tore my eyes away for one second... the clouds would dissapear. They dissapeared anyways, despite my loyal watch. Dissipated before my eye.... gone was my cotton candy and coconut sky. Gone was the most beautiful thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life. Gone, never to be regained or seen again. Like all things in life, nothing lasts forever. I understand this lesson. I understand the metaphor those clouds hold in my current life. You can not force the beauty of life to stay around forever. Eventually it must change. All you can do is have your eyes open for the next time it may show itself to you. All you can do is feel lucky to have witnessed it once, and hope and pray you will again be blessed with lifes wonders.
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