This week of renewed loyalty to my multi-hand challenge, has proven to be a lot of fun.
I now look forward to writing my daily paragraph using my left hand. The process has started to become relaxing rather than painful. Occasionally I have still forgotten my paragraph, but I made up for it each time by writing two paragraphs the next day instead of one. I notice a great difference in my writing from the challenge beginning compared to now. I wonder how tidy my words will look by the thirtieth day of this extended challenge?
This week has helped me to realize that before this challenge, I was already quite multi-handed. My ambidexterity level was higher than I thought. I needed this extension to help me realize that I already had this ability. Since I am now in tune with the use of my left hand, I notice more often when I use it. More often than not, the use feels natural rather than forced. There are only certain tasks that I actively have to remind myself of. My ambidextrous goal may be easier to reach than I originally hypothesized. This challenge has taught me that I may not give myself enough recognition for abilities and talents that I posses. This is a deep lesson that deserves some deep pondering.
Since my last post, I am also more aware of my troubling speech situation. I have been attempting to slow my speech down, in order to enunciate properly. This has also helped me to arrange my sentences together more fluidly. My estimate is that this works about one third of the time ;)
The interest in my Conscious Evolution seems to be very positive. When the conversation was appropriate, I have brought this idea up at several gatherings and parties. I wanted to see what others thought or felt about this concept. Friends, family and people I have just met have all responded with interest. Many people become excited by the idea and suggest future challenges for me. Some people have been inspired to do their own challenges.
I love that I may be inspiring others with these challenges. After all, this idea came about when I was inspired by another. I read a blog written by an artist in Nelson who had decided to take a vow of silence.... just to see if he could. He did not have a specified time period, but for each day of silence, he drew a picture to depict his feelings.
The idea of building mental, spiritual and physical strength through challenges, pulled at my soul. I knew I wanted my self to be a part of my own evolution (I know that sentence seems ridiculously obvious...... but there is a deeper meaning and a big difference between SELF and PERSON). So, I decided to make my own challenges and write about my inner journey.
All of my previous thoughts and interest in the concept of Conscious Evolution came together on the day that I was inspired by another. That stranger's blog is what I needed to launch my own journey. Maybe my blog can do the same for somebody else.
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