Thursday, September 29, 2011

Elephant Traveller

A past dream of mine, from another time.

I was on the back of a giant African Elephant.  She was incredibly beautiful and very kind.  I could feel that I was safe, despite my distance from the ground.  

I was at one side of the world, and I was intending to cross the ocean to the other side.  There was a dock built the entire way that I could walk across.  I started my journey.... and somehow the thin, wooden dock was able to take the weight of the giant pachyderm.

The dock went straight forward across the ocean.  The ocean surrounding the dock was very dark.... I could not see what was beneath the surface at all.  I didn't really like this feeling.  Also, while I was riding my big travel friend, I could only see in tunnel vision.  Vision for me was as if I were a horse wearing blinders on the sides of my head.  I was having trouble looking up too.  Basically, I could only see what was directly in front of the elephants swaying trunk; near the ground.  I found this all disconcerting, but did not allow it to affect my journey intent.

Due to the strange tunnel vision, I did not realize we had come upon a giant iceberg until I was almost immediately in front of it.  The elephant stopped.  She was waiting for direction from me.  I then had to find a  solution to this problem.  How was I going to get around this giant block of ice? The dock went right through the iceberg, so I could not walk upon it anymore.  Swimming was out of the question because it was freezing cold.  Attempting to climb the berg would have been ridiculous.  I was having trouble trying to problem solve, as my tunnel vision was still in full throttle.  I could not literally look around for a better solution.

That is all that I remember of that dream.  I love that I was riding an elephant.... they are my favorite animals :)    

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Crystal Snowglobe

I was in a cave.  The cave was decorated with beautiful antique furniture.  There were dark, intricate tapestries all over the walls.   I was surrounded by four friends... their faces and names are illusive to me.  I have no idea how I got into this cave or why I was there.

In the middle of the room, on top of a large wooden table, there was an altar.  It was covered in offerings. Some of the offerings were strange:  brightly coloured stuffed animals, photo-albums, a bag full of wash cloths....  I was searching through the items for something to choose.  We all were.  It was understood that this was acceptable; we were not stealing. 

I came across a crystal.  It was egg shaped; rounded throughout but flat on one bottom.  The bottom of the crystal was a bluish black colour, which reflected throughout the entire precious gem.  The rest of the crystal was completely smooth and clear; like a glass crystal ball.  Inside was a geode made of misty white rock shining with sparkling diamonds.

I noticed a thin, oval shaped disk inside of the crystal.  I realized that if I shook the rock, like a snow globe, the disk would float around and slowly flip.  On one side of the disk, there was an Egyptian man drawn in the typical ancient Egyptian style.  He was dressed in a gold coloured gown.  This man floating inside of the crystal was a person of mysticism; I knew this somehow.  He was important in a way unknown to me.

On the other side of the disk, there was a large black circle.  If this side was facing up when the disk settled onto the bottom, the entire crystal resembled an eyeball.  The black circle in the center was the pupil.  This crystal was looking into my soul.

I wanted to take this beautiful offering with me.  I knew that it was okay to do.  Taking the crystal would not be acting offensive in any way to anyone or anything.  However, I still did not feel that it was okay.  My gut feeling was telling me to re-think what I was doing.....

Here are some of the interpretations quoted from 
  • Cave
"To see or dream that you are in a cave symbolizes the womb and thus signify refuge, protection and concealment. To dream that you are walking in a dark cave represents an exploration of your unconscious mind.  It signals self discovery."
  • Tapestry
"To see tapestry in your dream represents your past and your current life experiences. The tapestry is also symbolic of luxurious living and pleasurable surroundings."
  • Antiques 
"To see antiques in your dream represent your time honored values, tradition, wisdom and inherited personal characteristics. It symbolizes something genuine or proven. Certain things in your past are worth holding onto or worth keeping."
  • Snow Globe
"To see a snow globe in your dream signifies your desires for peace and serenity. Consider the scene depicted inside the snow globe and the corresponding significance. The dream may indicate that you are longing for some aspect of your past."
  • Stuffed Animal 
"To see a stuffed animal in your dream represents an immature attitude. You are trying to escape from your daily responsibilities and problems. Alternatively, a stuffed animal indicates your need to relax and be less serious. You need to let your mind and body to rejuvenate.  A stuffed animal may also mean security, love, comfort, support and unconditional or unquestioned love."
  • Altar
"To see the altar in your dream suggests that you are making a great personal sacrifice. You may also be expressing concerns about your spirituality.  The dream may also be a pun on your need to "alter" some behavior, attitude or aspect of your life."
  • Crystal 
"To see a crystal in your dream signifies wholeness, purity, healing, development and unity. It represents your higher Self. The dream may be a metaphor for something in your life that is crystallizing or taking shape.  To dream that you are looking into a crystal represents how you are looking within yourself to find your true destiny. Alternatively, it indicates your outlook of the future."

  • Crystal Ball 
    "To see or look through a crystal ball in your dream suggests that you are looking for guidance
     and direction in your life.  It represents your outlook of the future."

I can identify with these interpretations.  They make sense for my life now. 


Monday, September 19, 2011

Coyote and Bear

One noticeable aspect of most dreams I have written down, is the high instance of anxiety.  In general, my life is filled with positive vibes and happiness.  I would say that the majority of my days are good and I think anxiety does not play a major role.  At points in my past though, this was the opposite.  Perhaps my high anxiety during my dream state is a reflection of my past.... or of the conflicts that I need to sort through in my subconscious.  Outwardly, I feel wonderful the vast majority of the time.  Maybe I tend to ignore situations that cause stress, and my subconscious works it out for me with my dreams?

The night before last, I had an interesting dream.  I captured it on paper and now I will write it's essence for you.   

I was outside at a climbing area.  I was both climbing for fun and working for a park to clean up the area (something similar to a trail crew).  There was a large grassy, open, hill side in front of me.  It went to the top of a small mountain.  Behind me, there was a logging road (which looked more like a hiking path) amidst many evergreen trees.  A typical East Kootenay montane forest view.

I was working really hard and the physical labour felt good.  For some reason my cat Charlie was there with me.  He kept running in front of me when I was carrying a large load.  I almost stepped on him several times.  I shouted at him to tell him to stay out of the way, so he ran under a picnic table that was sitting at the bottom of the hill.

Earlier in that day I had set my lunch out on that picnic table.  I felt somewhat uneasy about the possibility of that smell attracting wild life.  At this point though, I was working too hard to really notice my gut intuition.

Suddenly I could smell something very potent.  It smelled like a rotting piece of flesh; sweet with the stench of decay.  I looked up the hill and noticed a large black bear.  He was walking towards the picnic table.  I yelled at him... and he stopped.  He looked right at me.  He was beautiful.  I did not feel afraid, instead I felt annoyed... but also awed at the same time.  I yelled again and waved my arms above my head and pretended to be tough.  The black bear took the hint and turned around to head back up the hill.... away from me and my food.

When I turned around back towards the road, I noticed movement in the corner of my left eye.  I quickly turned my head in time to see a large grey coyote.  It stared straight into my eyes, then sharply diverted it's gaze towards my cat Charlie (who was now sitting on top of the picnic table).  I followed the canines view towards my cat and realized instantly that Charlie was in trouble.

Turning back to the coyote I started yelling and stamping my feet.  I told it to leave.  I pretended to charge at the animal but it stood it's ground.  It had absolutely no fear of me.  It was looking back and forth between me and my cat.  And suddenly, it charged.  It ran towards me and when I jumped out of the coyote's way, it swerved towards the picnic table.  Charlie jumped up and poofed his fur.  I told Charlie to stay where he was so that I could run to him and save him before the coyote reached the table.  Charlie did not listen.

My cat jumped off the picnic table and bolted towards the hill.  The coyote was even faster.  I was chasing behind the predator and prey dance while hoping and praying that I could somehow catch my cat and bring him to safety.  I yelled at Charlie again, urging him to stay still.  He stopped and layed down.  The dog was getting closer to it's meal.  The coyote was almost on top of Charlie, when I shoved it out of the way and grabbed my cat into my arms.  I immediately put him into my sweatshirt to hide him from the cunning predator.

Charlie was safe.  The coyote realized he had lost, so he turned and left.  My heart was pounding and my adrenaline was pumping.  I brought my cat over to the truck I had parked on the trail.... and then I woke up.      

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dream Mind Extension

Today is the official end of my Dream Girl Challenge.  This was such an interesting challenge, and I absolutely loved gaining more insight into the intricacies of my subconscious.  I have chosen to extend this challenge for one month.  This decision was somewhat made because I did not write as many dreams down as I hoped.... but more officially because I really, really liked what I was learning about myself (in the dreams that I was able to catch on paper).

The past few days I have been able to write down several of my dreams.  I can distinctly feel that the dreams are not in their entirety, but at least I have REMEMBERED to use my dream journal.  None of the dreams of late have been particularly interesting, so I will not bore you with the details.

I have learned the power of will in this challenge.  It has been a struggle for me to force myself to write in my dream journal, when I can barely even open my eyes.  I have had to convince myself several times to not drift back into sleep......

So, this challenge will go until October 15th.  My goal is to gain more insight as well as capture a few more interesting dream land sequences.  I wrote down 17 dreams this past month.... hopefully I will be much closer to 30 in the next month.

A Dream Dali Would Paint

I am going to describe another past dream in detail, just for the fun of it.  This dream was one I had a few years ago.  The details are still clear in my mind.  It is the type of fantastical, surreal dream that I love to be blessed with.

I was alone in a giant, flat, savannah grassland.  There were sparsely placed trees growing all over the area.  They were all black and dying.  The trees resembled a triple combination of ones that have died from flooding, trees that have been ransacked by fire, and those with the gnarly look of having been struck by lightning.   The weather was stormy and the lighting was dreary.  It was nearing dark

I made my way to a giant grey tower covered in old wood siding (similar to the wood on old barns).  It was the only building in sight.  The tower was something out of a Dr. Seuss book.  It was all crooked and mismatched.  It almost looked as if it may fall over at any moment.  There was a staircase on the outside of this tower that went every which way in its ultimate climb to the top.

Behind me, a herd of trojan horses were galloping in my direction.  They were all shiny black, with bright red eyes.  Their manes were braided in the way of a show horse.  They were absolutely beautiful, and absolutely terrifying.  They were heading towards the tower too. 

I knew that I must make it up the staircase to the top of the tower before the horses reached me.  I began to run up the staircase.  The storm was raging in the background.  Lightning was crashing all over the savannah.  Between the loud booms of thunder I could hear the horses hooves crashing into the ground and their whinney's of excitement. They were getting closer. 

As I was heading up the staircase I ran into a pack of small dogs.  The pack was heading down the staircase.  The dogs were all mutts of mixed origin.  They were all crooked and crippled; their crooked bodies resembled the crooked tower.  I bypassed them, without looking back. 

And that is where I either woke up or forgot the rest......  too bad.  I would like to have known what happened.  Despite the high level of anxiety I felt during this dream, I think the intense imagery was incredible.    

Monday, September 05, 2011

Past Dream

Since I have not been having an easy time tracking my dreams, I have not been recounting many on my blog.  As a substitute for a current dream, I thought today I would write down one of my most profound dreams from my past year.  There are some interesting similarities to one of the dreams I recounted earlier for this challenge, but the dream itself is entirely different.  I will leave the interpretation up to you, as I have already done my own. 

I was in a house that had many windows.  The house was painted white.  It was cozy and clean, but it did not feel like home.  It was bright inside, but it was getting close to dusk; the shadow filled time of day.

There was a bed inside one of the rooms; one of the only pieces of furniture I could see.  Laying on the bed was a giant purple octopus.  I was afraid of the octopus, but intrigued.

Inside the room, there was a man standing near to me.  I knew he was tall.  I did not want to look directly at his face, but I peeked at him out of the corner of my eyes.  He had an intense face that was both kind and foreboding.  His eyes were almost black and they penetrated into my soul.  He told me that he was my dream guide.

I had an overwhelming feeling of anxiety in my dream.  The world was ending in some way.  I knew this.  I was standing in the room with the bed and octopus.  From this vantage point, I could see out the front windows as well as the back.  There was chaos all around me, and it was as if I were seeing everything as framed, moving photographs.

In the front there was a highway covered in caribou.  They were screaming and stumbling and bleeding.  Cars were ramming into them without stopping.  Most of the caribou were fatally injured.  I noticed a calf screaming with it's front left leg broken open into splinters.  I knew it was crying for it's mother.  She was dead. 

In the back there was a giant river that spanned onto a flat valley.  I  could see a vast mountain range in the distance.  The river was rising quickley.  I knew it was going to flood.  I knew I had to get to safety with the children I was babysitting.  The two toddlers and I needed to get out of the house instantly.  My maternal instinct was telling me to act as fast as I could.  I handed them off to someone who was going to bring them to safety.   

Once they were out of the house and safe, I decided to run back to the house to pack some items.  I went into the basement to get some of the children's clothes from their closet.  I began matching outfits together.  I couldn't stop, even though I knew matching clothing was of absolutlely no importance to their survival.  I was stuck.  It was taking me hours to decide which clothes would look best together.  I was afraid the river would swallow me up before I was finished.  I was in such a hurry, but I could not stop with what I knew was a useless task. 

That is how I woke up.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

Still Dreaming of Dreaming

I have not been writing my dreams down each morning.  This week there has been two contrasting situations:  I have either not slept a wink, so I have not had a dream to interpret.... or I have slept so deeply that when I wake up I am barely conscious enough to even REMEMBER to remember. 

This morning I awoke with a distinct feeling that what I had dreamt was of importance.  I tried to write my dream down immediately.  My pen ran out of ink.  By the time I had ran to the office to get a new pen, my dream had slipped back into the deep recesses of my mind.... and I could not recall anything. 

It has been a little frustrating.  I am honestly trying to be true to this challenge.  Not everything works out as planned, and I must remember this.  I feel I will have to extend this dream challenge, so that I can gain more from the experience.  One month is too short for these deep insights.  

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Dreamless Dreamer

As of late, I have been having a difficult time sleeping.  Normally I am a restless sleeper.  I awake at least twice on a normal night.  Lately though, with all the changes in my life.... I have been tossing and turning for hours on end.  It has not been helpful at all to this challenge, for if I do not sleep.... I do not dream.

I am on day number eighteen of my dream challenge and despite my lack of sleep, I have been writing my dreams down whenever I possibly can.

When I have slept, one recurrent theme in my dream world has been fast food.  This is strange as I hardly, if at all, eat at fast food restaurants.  This perplexed me until I looked up the interpretation suggestion on  The explanation of my present fast food obsession completely makes sense to me in this time of stress and big change.

Here is the interpretation:
"To see or eat fast food in your dream indicates that you are not taking the time to cater to your emotions. You are not taking good care of your physical or mental health." 

Since I began this challenge, I have noticed a rapid growth in the awareness of my subconscious.  It is intriguing to see what my own mind is subtly telling me.  I am perplexed and astounded by the complexities of my own dreams, and keeping track of them has piqued my interest even more.