Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Dream Dali Would Paint

I am going to describe another past dream in detail, just for the fun of it.  This dream was one I had a few years ago.  The details are still clear in my mind.  It is the type of fantastical, surreal dream that I love to be blessed with.

I was alone in a giant, flat, savannah grassland.  There were sparsely placed trees growing all over the area.  They were all black and dying.  The trees resembled a triple combination of ones that have died from flooding, trees that have been ransacked by fire, and those with the gnarly look of having been struck by lightning.   The weather was stormy and the lighting was dreary.  It was nearing dark

I made my way to a giant grey tower covered in old wood siding (similar to the wood on old barns).  It was the only building in sight.  The tower was something out of a Dr. Seuss book.  It was all crooked and mismatched.  It almost looked as if it may fall over at any moment.  There was a staircase on the outside of this tower that went every which way in its ultimate climb to the top.

Behind me, a herd of trojan horses were galloping in my direction.  They were all shiny black, with bright red eyes.  Their manes were braided in the way of a show horse.  They were absolutely beautiful, and absolutely terrifying.  They were heading towards the tower too. 

I knew that I must make it up the staircase to the top of the tower before the horses reached me.  I began to run up the staircase.  The storm was raging in the background.  Lightning was crashing all over the savannah.  Between the loud booms of thunder I could hear the horses hooves crashing into the ground and their whinney's of excitement. They were getting closer. 

As I was heading up the staircase I ran into a pack of small dogs.  The pack was heading down the staircase.  The dogs were all mutts of mixed origin.  They were all crooked and crippled; their crooked bodies resembled the crooked tower.  I bypassed them, without looking back. 

And that is where I either woke up or forgot the rest......  too bad.  I would like to have known what happened.  Despite the high level of anxiety I felt during this dream, I think the intense imagery was incredible.    

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