Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cleanse Me: Challenge # 5

I have not had a chance to write lately about my conscious evolution.  Even though I have not written, I have put a lot of  time into thinking about this topic.  Thinking is as important as doing.  In the past few months I have had many ideas for change and certain ideas that I would like to investigate more deeply.  Soon I will begin a new challenge.  This post however, is about a challenge that I started and completed about a month back....

My body was in need of a cleanse.  I could feel it.  My joints have been bothering me for a few years, my mind has been cloudy, and I have constantly felt stuffed up.  After eating nutritionally void camp food all winter, I decided it was time. 

In the past, I have only attempted to cleanse my body once (about five years ago).  This first cleansing experience was absolutely terrible.  I had no idea what I was getting into.  I chose to try a quick twenty-four hour full body cleanse.  Big mistake!  This cleanse consisted of four pills and a salty liquid, that was so disgusting I could barely choke it down.  Within only a few hours of beginning the cleanse, my stomach started to seriously ache.  Then, within five hours of the cleanse, my stomach started to swell.  It just kept getting larger.  It actually looked like I was about five months pregnant; no lie.  It was both disturbing and hilarious.  Until this experience, I did not think it was possible for my stomach to look so huge, so fast.  The pain was nearly unbearable.  After rolling around in agony and laughter for quite some time, my "relief" finally came.... quite suddenly.  I will only say this:  I spent four hours straight in the bathroom.  Toilet paper starts to feel about as soft as a rock after only half an hour.....

Justifiably, after this horrific experience... cleansing has terrified me.  I have avoided it, despite the benefits toted by natural health professionals.  Luckily, in the last year I have become good friends with two very knowledgeable women.  My friend Ella is a genius when it comes to nutrition.  She is currently taking courses to become a nutritionist, and she works at an organic grocery store.  My sweetheart's sister Caitlin, is training to become a herbalist and she is like a little cleansing herb encyclopedia.  With both their positive opinions of body cleansing, I was encouraged enough to attempt a cleanse again.

I chose to do the "Wild Rose" cleanse.  This cleanse is a twelve day full body detox which takes diet into account.  It was easy to follow, with a cookbook full of tasty, nutritional meals to help the cleansing process.  When I was preparing for the cleanse I felt very nervous that I would constantly feel hungry.  I have a huge appetite.  I actually eat more than Jordan who is one hundred and ninety pounds.  To ease my fears, I bought way more food than what was necessary.  I felt prepared with full cupboards, but nervous that I would give into my cravings.  Surprisingly, for the most part I felt very satisfied and full...... except for my cheese cravings (those were monstrous).

Overall, the experience was positive.  My body felt clean near the end of the twelve days and my mind felt clear.  I would definitely do a cleanse again.  Next time I may create my own cleanse, with the help of Ella and Caitlin's knowledge.  I believe in a deep connection between mind and body, and including a cleanse in my conscious evolution has been beneficial

Positives of my experience:
  • near the end of the cleanse, my joint pain completely disappeared
  • the food kept me full (despite my doubts)
  • the food was very flavorful (despite my doubts) 
  • I feel proud that I stuck to my cleanse foods (except for a few minor cheats)
  • I realized that I don't need to eat as much dairy as I currently do
  • I was allowed to eat as much fish as I wanted during the cleanse (and have incorporated this into my current eating habits)
  • the cleanse reminded me to drink much more water
  • Jordan and I did this cleanse together, so it made the entire process easier and more fun
  • my fear of cleansing has completely abated
  • I was allowed to drink as much herbal tea as I wanted :)
  • my addiction to bread and wheat has definitely decreased
  • my awareness of what I put into my body has deepened
Negatives of my experience:  
  • I experienced joint pain (more than normal), some headaches and and nausea at the beginning of the cleanse (this is normal for most cleanses)
  • I experienced some severe cravings for dairy products
  • I did not ease myself into my regular foods after the cleanse, so I have experienced some return of side effects (like joint pain - this is also normal)
  • my energy level took a big dive and I feel that the allotted animal protein was insufficient for my activity level
  • climbing a multi-pitch climb with such a small amount of protein, made the climb feel more tiring that it would have been normally (I would never combine a multi-pitch climb and a body cleanse ever again)

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