Thursday, October 20, 2011


My extended dream challenge officially ended on October 15th. 

During this challenge, my awareness of my subconscious mind grew tremendously.  I was unable to write down each dream that I dreamt.  I did not research every new dream concept presented.  Many times my argument with willpower lost and I allowed myself to drift back into sleep without a second thought (about recording my dreams).  However, I did truly begin to absorb the secrets of my inner mind.  My brain is willing to tell, if only I listen.  Through sleep I was problem solving.  Becoming aware of this process has been an awakening. 

I discovered how powerful the subconscious mind can be in my day-to-day life.  My dreams were whispering to me and once I payed closer attention, their meanings became clear.  The most profound example of this was one morning when I awoke feeling rather restless.  I had a distinct feeling that something was not quite right.  I felt unsure.... but I did not understand why.  I decided to read about the symbols presented in my morning dream.  I found that one important symbol represented a lie or deceit.  Within twenty minutes of reading this, I was informed that yes:  I had been deceived.  My sleeping mind had known what my waking mind had not. 

More times that not, I found true valuable meaning in my dreams.  On several occasions, a question I had been toying with would be solved as soon as I looked up the symbol meanings.  I always knew dreams were powerful and intricate.  I have believed for a long time that they had inherent meanings for my life..... but I never imagined how helpful each dream could be in my regular waking life.  I intend to keep a dream journal beside my bed.  Writing down my dreams has become a useful tool for my conscious evolution.  I believe dream meanings are integral puzzle pieces in my quest to understand the puzzle of my life. 

I have been travelling for the past two weeks, so it has not been convenient for me to write about my recent dreams.  This is not for lack of dreaming or thought provoking symbology.  I have had some interesting dreams that I would like to capture forever in cyberspace, at a later date.

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