Here are a few dreams from my last challenge. I wasn't able to write them down earlier because I was on a long road trip.
Dream One
I dreamt that I was working at a factory. The factory resembled the large cement plant in Lac des Arces (off the Trans Canada, along the way from Golden to Calgary). I was working in the middle of a very large empty room at an assembly line. The building had an extremely tall roof.
At certain points in my dream I was watching myself work from a birds eye view. I have this happen a lot in my dreams; the situation where I am both acting out my "character" as well as watching the dream from a third person perspective.
For some reason I had decided to sneak into the factory to investigate. There were three other people with me on this mission. They were people that I do not recognize or know in my waking life. All four of us were trying to look like workers at the plant, so we could investigate undercover. We were mingling with the factory staff and working at the assembly line to try to fit in and not look suspicious. No one suspected that we were not supposed to be there.
At one point the supervisor came over to help us. We were all having trouble with our assembly line positions. There were only four positions and each was extremely boring. The supervisor was chatting with us and giving us hints on how to do our jobs more efficiently. The situation was not stressful, but it did feel very dull.
Here are some of the interpretations from
Watching (closest interpretation for birds eye view):
"To dream that you are watching something indicates your passiveness. You lack initiative to take a position or to take action. It may reflect upon your real life and how you are watching life pass you by, instead of participating it. You need to take more initiative. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes your neutrality in some situation. You do not want to take a side. The dream may also be a metaphor warning you to "watch it!"
To dream that you are being watched suggests that you are feeling confined in your work environment or personal relationship. You are lacking privacy and feel you are being scrutinized or criticized."
"To dream that you are at a factory represents repetitious thinking and an old way of doing things. It is symbolic of predictability and unchanging habits. Alternatively, it signifies business, productivity, energy and bustling activity. You are a person that can get things done."
Dream Two (re-reading this dream in my journal made me laugh because of the end... you will see)
I was living back in my childhood house on Round Prairie Road, in Armstrong. I had just returned from a long vacation.
At the house, my long time best friend Bree, her baby daughter Stella and her mother Becky were all visiting. Becky was ill in bed, she was very weak and could not get out of the bed (Note: Sadly in real life, Becky has recently passed away from lung cancer). She was covered in blankets. I handed Stella to Becky. The baby immediately started to giggle and coo. You could tell that she loved her grandma a lot.
I decided to look out the bay window of the house (peering out through windows is something that reoccurs in my dreams). The scenery looked much different than when I grew up there. Instead of a large field, there were houses built everywhere. All of the houses looked almost identical; similar to what many new subdivision housing areas look like now. I thought the houses were extremely ugly. Seeing them caused me to feel angry.
Outside in our own yard, there was a large marshland that was fenced off. It was a protected piece of property. We were trying to save it from destruction and since it was located on our land, it was private property. There were signs stating this. However, people were walking within the fenced off areas despite the obvious restrictions.
People were trampling this delicate ecosystem that we were trying to protect. Almost all of the people walking across the land were elderly. I went outside and started chasing the people away. I felt extremely upset by their disregard for the land. I was yelling and eventually I started poking the elderly people with sticks to get their attention and make them leave. They kept ignoring me no matter what I did.
Here are the closest explanations.
"To see an elderly person in your dream represents wisdom or spiritual power. Pay attention to the message or advice that the elderly person is conveying to you. He or she can help provide life answers and solutions to your problems and try to guide you toward the right direction."
"To see a window in your dream signifies bright hopes, vast possibilities and insight. To dream that you are looking out the window signifies your outlook on life, your consciousness and your point of view. It also refers to your intuition and awareness. You may be reflecting on a decision. Or you need to go out into the larger world and experience life. To see a bay window in your dream indicates that you are tyring to gain a different or wider perspective on things"
"To see a fence in your dream signifies an obstacle or barrier that may be standing on your path. You may feel confined and restricted in expressing yourself. Are you feeling fenced in some situation or confined in some relationship? Alternatively, it may symbolize a need for privacy. You may want to shut off the rest of the world."
"To see a house in your dream represents your own soul and self. To see a new house in your dream indicates that you are entering into a new phase or new area in your life. You are becoming more emotionally mature."
"The dream may be a pun on a 'sticky' situation or how you need to 'stick up' for yourself and your beliefs."
Dream Three
It was dark outside. I was at a house that was on a farm, with huge weeping willows everywhere. There was a party going on outside. Many people that I didn't know were laughing and drinking.
I was tired and I was trying to sleep in one of the bedrooms. There were animals in the bedroom. A large, fluffy white rabbit and also a big bear that escaped when I opened the door. The bear was friendly and it began to walk around the party outside.
I felt overwhelmingly sad in my dream. A tall, very attractive man, who I do not recognize in my real life, was in the bedroom trying to help me. He was there to listen to me. He said he wanted to cuddle with me and help me to feel better.
For some reason we had to work that night at a boarding school. We went there to set up a room that we would be staying in. The room was tiny; so tiny that there was hardly any space to move around. It was the size of a walk-in closet. In the room there was a single bed and a side table with a lamp. I wanted a stereo so I could listen to music. I felt that the music would make me feel more positive.
The man was a beautiful man. He was very tall and had strong arms. He was holding me in them and listening to me talk about my heart break. I was telling him my saddness and being held by this man was helping me to heal. He was a very kind, gentle person. I could feel how good he was, while he held me in his arms. I believe I was crying.
Interpretations are below :)
"To dream that you are cuddling with someone indicates your need for physical and/or emotional contact. Do not overlook the obvious meaning of this dream which suggests your heart's desire for that particular person. Also consider the symbolism of that person you are cuddling with and determine how you need to acknowledge, accept, and unify those qualities in yourself."
Heart broken:
"To dream that you are going through a heartbreak signifies transistions and changes. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are lacking love or support in some endeavor in your life. There is an imblanace. A more literal interpretation of this dream means that you are going through some sort of emotional turmoil in your waking life. You do not know how to deal with those feelings.
Room (closest to the small room):
"To dream that you are in a room represents a particular aspect of yourself or a specific relationship. Dreams about various rooms often relate to hidden areas of the conscious mind and different aspects of your personality. If the room is welcoming or comfortable, then it signifies opulence and satisfaction in life. If you see a dark or confined room, then it denotes that you feel trapped or repressed in a situation."
"To dream that you are sad suggests that you need to learn from your disappointments and just be happy. Try not to dwell on the negative. The dream may be a reflection of how you are feeling in your waking life."
"To dream that you are crying signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself. Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In your daily lives, you tend to ignore, deny, or repress your feelings. But in your dream state, your defense mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of those feelings that you have repressed during the day."
"To hear harmonious and soothing music in your dream signifies prosperity and pleasure. You are expressing your emotions in a positive way. Music serves to heal the soul."
"To dream that you are at a party suggests that you need to get out more and enjoy yourself."
Weeping Willow:
"To see a willow tree in your dream symbolizes mourning and sadness. It also denotes a loss of someone or something. Alternatively, the willow represents survival or rebirth."
"To see a rabbit in your dream signifies luck, magical power, and success. You have a positive outlook on life. Alternatively, rabbits symbolize abundance, warmth, fertility and sexual activity. Perhaps your sex life needs to be kept in check. The dream can also be associated with Easter time and your own personal memories of Easter. In particular, to see a white rabbit in your dream symbolizes faithfulness in love. The white rabbit also serves as a guide to steer you toward the right direction."
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