Friday, November 11, 2011

Challenge #7: Speak for Myself

Life is a whirlwind.  So much can happen in a short amount of time.  Sometimes hashing out your emotions and thoughts with your nearest and dearest is extremely helpful.  Lately, with my most recent love relationship crumbling to an end, and then with the predicted end of a thoughtless beginning.... I have been self absorbed. I have been constantly thinking, explaining, understanding and perplexing about what is going on in my own mind and heart. I have felt the need to talk.  A lot.  I have talked and talked and talked.

Suddenly, today, I feel the need to be quiet.  I have talked enough already.  Now I need to absorb, learn and listen.  I need to be there for my friends, as they have been there for me.  I have genuinely good friends.  Really good friends.  They have all listened to me in the last few months consistently, patiently and without judgement.  I have been blessed with their guidance and encouragement.  I appreciate it all more than I can explain. 

Today and for the next 9 days, I challenge myself to NOT talk about myself in the presence of my friends.  I will only ask questions and listen to their life stories.  Of course if I am asked a specific question I will answer (it would be out right rude and weird not to), but I will NOT bring up anything voluntarily.  In the situation that I am asked a question, I will answer, elaborate only as necessary and then direct the conversation back onto someone else.

I need to do this.  It is easy to forget you are not the only person on this planet when you are dealing with a heartbreak.  I need to learn to remember that EVERYONE is dealing with something.  Everyone.

I will write about this challenge once in the midst and once in reflection.         

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