I am losing my life
I am losing my love
I am losing it all for you
But I want you to live
I want you to strive
I want you to be happy too
You are the only man
Who has truly known me
Every secret, fear, every tear
Some of it you kept safe
Some of it you did not
Much was thrown in my face
I want to run home
Call your name
See your big, goofy smile
But I will not
I just can not
This time I must stay away
With all of my energy
From my nose to my toes
I feel that this is so wrong
But we have tried and failed before
So this must be right
This time I must stay strong
I want to hold you tight
Hold you close
Never let you go
But I will not
I just can not
You are no longer my home
I am sorry to you
I am sorry to me
I am sorry to all of our friends
This has lasted too long
I knew all along
It must eventually end
I will never forget
You are the love of my life
But so too was he
I know that bothered you
It bothered me too
My love was never set free
You loved her more too
I know that about you
But it is all now okay
I understand
It is very difficult
To love another the same way
I have never stopped
Loving any of them
Neither dear will you
That is just how it is
When you give a piece of your heart
You love each one through and through
If she never left
You would have stayed with her forever
That is what I felt too
But he did leave
So did she
Eventually I met you
I tried my best
My sweet, sweet man
I could not fulfill your needs
You: a house, a car, some kids
Me: Adventure, travel, school
We wanted different things
You knew that too
That I would never be as settled as you
That is why you loved me so
I brought in a spark
I brought in some flight
Now my dear, I must let go
My compass points North
Towards the stars above
Your compass points South
Now we can trek
In the opposite directions we pull
We can follow our hearts and souls
You are my sweet, sweet love
The love in my laugh
The love on the tip of my tongue
But I need you to go
As you already know
As we both have known for way too long
I will never forget
Never wish it were not you
If I did I would be a fool
The memories we have
The laughter we shared
Are once in a life time I am sure
Do you remember those skies?
Those beautiful skies?
That first marked our love as true
I never want to lose
All those beautiful views
I hope neither do you
My only wish
Is that the unkind things we both said
Are forgotten by both you and I
As soon as we heal
We can not take it all back
But let us try to remember how we both truly feel
You are a beautiful man
A beautiful being
Before you there were many things
I would not have done
Some so good and some so bad
But most things have just begun
I feel happy to be free
To do as I please
To rope the adventure I so crave
But I love you still
I still wish this were not so
I am trying very hard to be brave
You are my best friend
Out of all my loves you will be the one
To stay my best friend
That is the type of person that you are
You were the best lover I have known too
I truly wish this did not have to end
This is not goodbye
Just a new type of life
An adjustment for both of us I am sure
I know you will be close by
With your arms open to me
And your beautiful, dimpled smile wide
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