- learn to say no ex: "No, I am sorry... but I do not want to do that" or "No, but I can not do that."
- do not let people walk on you. Tell them when you are hurt... but in a way that will make them feel safe and protect their self esteem
- a relationship will not work with "I" people.... only with "we" people. It is a team
- you must accomodate your partners needs to the best of your ability, if not... your partner will die inside and become sick outside
- every experience is a step towards my definition of success, which for me is knowledge and living a beautiful life full of happiness
- IQ increases with every experience that you have... with each experience you gain a new angle to look at and evaluate against
- if it is not courage or work... it is not love
- remember... the shiny peices in each person; those things are the reason that person is unique
- you will never know how much one comment or word can effect another person.... choose your words wisely... you will never be able to take them back
- communicating is an art... it takes practice; every single word has a different meaning to each person based on their life experiences and memories
- we have an incredible responsibility in being a human being
- everthing is seamless... it is all connected
- just be direct... don't tip toe around a situation because you are worried about hurting someones feelings; more feelings will get hurt in the end if you are dishonest
- lying is a mind fuck
- respect yourself enough to never ever cross the line of disrespecting someones person
- never ever point out a persons uniqueness as a fault
- sometimes you outgrow a friend and that is okay
- it is okay to not fix or keep working on it... letting go is a worthy process also
- you need to put out the kindness if you want to be surrounded by kind, gentle people
- fear is the opposite of love
- fear controls and is the reason for all war
- love beyond anger
- anger should never be the first response... always attempt understanding first
- "So what you are saying is that blah blah blah.... did I get that right?" "Is there more?" "That must make you feel blah blah blah"
- when you lose faith.... you lose your ability to see the truth
- each special thing you do unexpectedly for someone else helps them to keep hope
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