Monday, August 15, 2011

Challenge #6: Dream Girl

Throughout my life I have had extremely vivid dreams.  Each dream is another world in which I live for only moments.  My deepest subconscious comes alive nightly to tell me, remind me or warn me of concepts that could or already are impacting my life.

As you can guess.... I am of the belief that dreams have meaning.  I do not believe that the "random" firing of my neurotransmitters is necessarily random at all.  My dreams happen because my subconscious is trying to tell me something (be it:  past, present or future). 

Describing my dreams to others has usually been fascinating for both sender and receiver.  I am intrigued by my own mind and it's deep complexities.  As a whole, the closest way to explain the majority of my dreams is to look at a Dali painting.  Fantastical, strange, conceptual, confusing and unique..... these characteristics are at play in my mind during REM sleep.  I love sleeping, because my dreams are always a new, exciting surprise waiting to happen.

While on the topic of my dreams, I should mention one interesting recurring dream style that my mind frequents:  water.  I dream of water almost every single time I close my eyes (that I remember).  Water is present in some way, no matter what else is happening in my dream.  I dream of lakes, pools, the ocean, waves, swimming, fish, ponds, drowning, floating.... the list does not end.  Many times aqua is connected to the emotions I am experiencing in my dream.  For example:  if my emotions are angry and tumultuous, there may be large waves crashing around me.  If my emotion is calm and happy, I may be swimming in a warm, calm, soothing lake.

I do not know with certainty why I dream of water so often.  One of my theories is because I am a Pisces.  A water sign, with two swimming fish.  This may be one reason, but I do not think it is a full explanation.  With my environmental views, I do think of water often as well.  Water certainly is very important to me.  My body for one, is almost entirely composed of this precious molecule.  It is also the most abundant compound on this planet's surface.  The most important ingredient for the ability to have life on Earth; my preoccupation is definitely justified.  I feel these are only part of the explanation for my dreamy obsession.  Perhaps my conscious evolution will help me to decipher the rest of this H2O puzzle.

Lucid dreaming also entices me.  From a very young age I have been able to wake myself up while dreaming.  This happens while in the throes of a nightmare.  I remember suddenly in my terror, that I am only dreaming, and I realize I can consciously force my mind to wake my body up.  The process is difficult and seems to take a few minutes (although, it may only be a few seconds.... I will probably never know for sure).  I usually go through a period of waking, where I "awaken" only to find myself back in my dream.... and then I realize that I have not yet successfully woken myself up, so I must try again.  This normally happens about two or three times, but eventually I open my eyes and know that I have again truly awakened myself from slumber.  The nightmare is officially over at this point. 

I would like to learn to lucid dream during great dreams.... and to stay asleep during these times.  Sometimes, on rare occasions I have known that I am dreaming and I do choose to stay asleep.  I choose to try to change my dream into something of my conscious creation..... but so far, my attempts have been mostly unsuccessful.

I know one step to lucid dreaming is to look at your hands.  I have not yet remembered to look at my hands.  Maybe soon?  However, this challenge is less about lucid dreaming (although, it may evolve into that) and more about gaining insight.  I would like to track my dreams using a dream journal to have a clearer vision of their meanings.  The lessons behind my closed eyes.  I would like to see if writing my dreams on paper will help me to decipher with more ease.

During this challenge I will track my dreams for one month to start (I may choose later to extend this challenge).  During this time, I will write about my feelings and insights gained during this experience at least three more times.  I will also describe in detail at least four different dreams that I feel are particularly interesting or important (that I have during the challenge period).  I will probably also choose to describe some of my past dreams just for the sake of interest. 

I encourage my readers participation for this challenge!  I would absolutely love to hear your interpretations of my dreams.  New eyes and minds may be helpful to my conscious evolution, and I would appreciate any feedback.  Also, if you are moved to tell me about any of your dreams, I am a willing participant!  I love dreaming and I am very interested in other people's dreams too.  It is a doorway into another persons mind :)

Dream Girl, you start tomorrow morning!

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