Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Shitty.... Literally

Last night I had many dreams all rolling into one.  Each dream I was either on a bridge above a stadium or high up in some cedar trees.  Different people were with me.  I was frequently looking down at what was going on below me.  There was shit everywhere.  People were shitting their pants.  It was disgusting.  I could not get away from it.  I was revolted, and I was afraid the feces would touch me.

I don't think I was ever fully sleeping for much longer than half an hour.  Last nights dream(s) seemed to never end.  My life right now feels like my dream:  shitty.

Here are the interpretations quoted from www.dreammoods.com

*I couldn't find anything to specifically describe looking below me, but I did find two similar descriptions for below and down; the interpretations embarass me: 
"To see something below you in your dream indicates that you are looking down on    
others.  You feel that you are are too good for someone or for a situation. Alternatively, the   
dream suggests that you are delving into your unconscious."
"To dream that you are moving down suggests that you have made a wrong decision or 
headed toward the wrong direction in life. Alternatively, the ream may be a pun on "feeling
down" or depressed. "Going down" may also sexual connotation and be a metaphor for oral
Cedar Tree:
"To see a cedar in your dream symbolizes longevity, durability, strength, endurance and immortality. The dream may be trying to offer reassurance during a difficult time in your life."

"To see or come in contact with feces signifies aspects of yourself that are dirty and negative and which you believe to be undesirable and repulsive. You need to acknowledge and express these feelings, even though it may be shameful. Release the negativity in your life. Alternatively, it may also refer to someone who is anal retentive.To dream that you are unable to dispose of the feces suggests that you are unwilling to let go of your emotions. You have a tendency to hold in and keep your feelings to yourself.  According to Freud, feces is related to possession, pride, shame, money/financial matters, or aggressive acts."

"To see or dream that you are in a stadium represents your determination to succeed and   
achieve your goals. You need to be more active, aggressive, and bold."

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