Monday, August 22, 2011

I Dream in Colour

My life as of late, has been experiencing much change.  Turmoil, upset and different paths, have been forcing me to see certain areas of my life that need an overhaul.  On day two of my challenge, I experienced a vivid dream that may reflect how I have been feeling.

I was standing on a beach looking out at the ocean ahead of me.  It was night time.  The moon was full in the sky, and it's glow was reflecting upon the waves in a bright amber orange.  The moon was over-sized and slightly to my left.   There was white surf was rolling in, but it was not quite lapping at my bare toes.  To my left, San Franciso was alight with city life.  Brightly lit skyscrapers were towering high into the sky, miles from where I stood.  The city was bustling and awake, despite the late hour.... around me though, it was calm.

Close beside me to my left, a photographer was standing.  I could not see his face, but I knew he was tall.  He and I were discussing my romantic relationships.  We were talking about a past relationship; one that, in my waking life, I have not thought about in detail for quite some time.  In my dream, Tyler and I had just broken up.  I was telling the photographer that I did not want to rush into any relationship.  I was explaining that I have always rushed into relationships, but with Tyler.... I said I had not done this.

After a while, I noticed a large ship anchored near the shore (again to my left).  I began throwing a large red ball out to the people on the ship.  We were throwing the ball back and forth.  At one point the photographer caught the ball.  He threw the ball far into the ocean, away from the ship.  He told me that I should go get it.  I didn't want to.  I felt afraid.  I was afraid of what was beneath the water.  He wanted to photograph me scuba diving, which is apparently what we were at the beach to do.  He reasoned that I may as well dive in after the ball, since I had to go in at some point.  I kept stalling because of my fear, but I was trying very hard to seem unafraid.  

Despite my fear of the unknown, I distinctly felt a deep knowledge for what I would see under the water.  I could vividly imagine what was there.  I knew that there was a large purple and pink octopus.  I knew there were many brightly coloured fish and corals and sea plants.  It was beautiful all around me.  However, I was afraid of the octopus.  I was not sure if it was friend or foe.  I did not want it to touch me.

At some point I ended up in a vehicle.  It is unclear why or how I was then in a vehicle, but I do know that I was driving from Nicholson to Golden (although, it still distinctly felt like Kimberley).  Several of my friends from Kimberley were in the vehicle with me.  We were all discussing love lives.  There is much more to this concept than what I am writing, but I feel the need to respect privacy of myself and others.  On that note, that is all that I will say about this certain dream aspect.

The entire dream focused fully on the idea of not rushing into any type of relationship.  There was calm feeling for most of the dream, but also an underlying fearful anxiety.  The dream was vivid and for the most part not confusing (except for how I ended up in a vehicle).  It definitely brought up some interesting feelings and concepts that I have thought about these past few days.

I decided to look up some of the key aspects of my dream on the internet.  One site that had several interesting interpretations was:  I quote this sites interpretations below.

I thoroughly enjoyed what the interpretation for an ocean was.
"To see an ocean in your dream represents the state of your emotions and feelings. It is indicative of spiritual refreshment, tranquility and renewal. Alternatively, the dream means that you are feeling empowered and unhindered. You have a positive outlook in life and are not limited by anything. If you are sailing across the ocean, then it signifies new found freedom and independence. You are showing great courage."

I was unable to find "ship" listed in the dream dictionary, but I did find boat.
"To dream that you are in or see a boat signifies your ability to cope with and express your emotions. Pay particular attention to the condition and state of the waters, whether it is calm or violent, clear or murky, etc. Are you "smooth sailing"? Alternatively, you may be ready to confront your unconscious and unknown aspects of yourself. The dream could be telling you not to rock the boat and to stay out of harm's way."

The idea for skyscraper was quite intriguing.
"To see a skyscraper in your dream represents your high ideals, creativity, accomplishments and imagination. You always aim high at whatever you do. The skyscraper is seen as a metaphor for the fore-sights and achievements of man. Alternatively, the dream represents the phallus."

The symbolism for ball made me giggle.
"To see or play with a ball in your dream symbolizes completeness and wholeness. It may also indicate that you need to be more in tune with the inner child within. The dream may also be a metaphor for the testicles. Consider also the phrase, "he's got balls" to indicate guts and strength."

I also looked up what a city may mean in general:
"To see a city in your dream signifies your social environment and sense of community. If you dream of a big city, then it suggests that you need to develop closer ties and relationships. You are feeling alienated and alone."

I looked for the direction left since everything in my dream was on my left hand side.
"To dream of the direction left symbolizes the unconscious and your repressed thoughts/emotions. It is an indication of passivity."

This is the closest idea I could find to the photographer in my dream.
"To dream that you are a photographer represents your desire to hold on to a certain image, time or period in your life." 

The interpretation for the colour red was in reference to the large red ball that I was playing with.
"Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage, impulsiveness and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Consider the phrase "seeing red" to denote anger. Alternatively, the color red in your dream indicates a lack of energy. You are feeling tired or lethargic.
Red is also the color of danger, violence, blood, shame, rejection, sexual impulses and  urges.  Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions."

I identified the most with the first suggestion for what an octopus may mean.
"To see an octopus in your dream, means that you are entangled in some difficult matter. Your judgment is being clouded.  Alternatively, the octopus indicates that you are overly possessive and maybe too clingy in a relationship". 

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